Who is Susan Hennessey? Wiki Bio, age, height, net worth, spouse, family

Susan Hennessey is a legal-political analyst, editor, and executive with a net worth of roughly $1 million. She completed a degree in Italian from the University of California, Los Angeles and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. She is best known for her work on the blog Lawfare which is dedicated to

• Susan Hennessey is a legal-political analyst, editor, and executive with a net worth of roughly $1 million.
• She completed a degree in Italian from the University of California, Los Angeles and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School.
• She is best known for her work on the blog “Lawfare” which is dedicated to discussing national security.
• She is married to Brendan Hennessey, who works as an Assistant Professor for Romance Languages and Literature at Binghamton University.
• She is highly active on social media, particularly Twitter, and is a member of the Aspen Cybersecurity Group, as well as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Science, Technology, and International Affairs.

Who is Susan Hennessey?

Susan Klein was born on 29 August 1985, in the United States of America, and is a legal-political analyst, editor and executive, best known for her work on the blog “Lawfare” which is dedicated to discussing national security. She’s also appeared in numerous talk shows and news programs throughout her career, discussing political events from around the world.


The Net Worth of Susan Hennessey

How rich is Susan Hennessey? As of early-2019, sources inform us of a net worth that is close to $1 million, earned through success in her various endeavors – her work on the blog as well as her on-camera appearances have helped increase her wealth significantly. As she continues her career, it is expected that her wealth will also continue to increase.

Early Life, Education, and Career Beginnings

Susan’s parents are both natives of Sacramento, California, and while little is known about her childhood, she grew up with two sisters, and now has a nephew from one of her sisters. After matriculating from high school, she enrolled at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) where she completed a degree in Italian. She then enrolled at Harvard Law School, and completed her Juris Doctor, after which she started working for the National Security Agency as an attorney in the agency’s General Counsel. As a part of her work, she advised the agency when it came to cybersecurity, information assurance, and other operational elements. She made valuable inputs, and was a representative for various cybersecurity legislation as well as its applications. She also started working at Brooklings Institution as a Fellow in National Security and Governance Studies; these activities eventually led to her “Lawfare” blog position.

National Security Blog – Lawfare

The “Lawfare” blog is published by the Lawfare Institute in co-operation with the Brookings Institute. It started in 2010 through author Benjamin Wittes, law professor Robert Chesney, and professor Jack Goldsmith. Goldsmith was the head of the Office of Legal Counsel during the administration of George W. Bush. Chesney on the other hand served with the detention policy task force of the Obama administration. The credibility of the blog led a number of former officials, law professors, and law students to start writing for them.

In recent years, the blog has gained a significant amount of attention for its coverage of legal and intelligence matters when it comes to the Trump administration. In 2017, they gained a 1000% increase in readership, and Trump was one of the causes for their increase in popularity, as he tweeted about their criticism of him during the first refugee-and-travel ban. They subsequently covered the dismissal of FBI director James Comey and Trump’s alleged disclosure of classified intelligence to Russia which the blog states is a violation of his oath to office. The blog has both been praised and criticized, with supporters saying that it has made a significant impact during the era of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Relationship, Marriage. And Family

For her personal life, it is known that Susan married Brendan Hennessey in 2009 at California’s Point Reyes Station, and they then honeymooned in Phuket, Thailand. Her husband is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and then undertook his master’s degree at the University of Notre Dame in Romance languages. He completed his PhD at the University of California in Los Angeles. Since 2014, he has worked at New York’s Binghamton University as an Assistant Professor for Romance Languages and Literature.

The couple have two daughters together, and both were flower girls during the wedding ceremony. Susan has not been one to shy away from publicly discussing her husband and their marriage. She makes a lot of references to him, praising his work and his role as a family man. She also frequently talks about her parents who helped develop her into what she is today. According to her, it was her father who helped her gain her first job, and has always been a professional inspiration. Her mother was also a law professional, but decided to end her career in favor of raising a family.


Social Media and Other Endeavors

Similar to numerous political analysts, Hennessey is highly active online, having an account on Twitter on which she mainly posts about some of her daily thoughts and regarding some of the national and political issues in the country. She takes the same stance as her blog, and remains highly critical of the current American political administration under Trump, doing her best to reveal information that it has been trying to suppress. She also frequents events as a speaker and many of her videos can be seen online through websites such as YouTube which features videos of her speaking and expressing her opinions and her work. Despite being open to discussion about a few aspects of her life, she prefers to keep most of it away from the media spotlight.

Hennessey also has other associations, including being a member of the Aspen Cybersecurity Group. She also serves as an adjunct professor at the Georgetown University’s Science, Technology, and International Affairs. He teaches Cybersecurity Conflict and Policy at the school.

