10 Things You Didnt Know about Abby Johnston

It is officially time for the Olympics to begin, and that means that Abby Johnston is going to make even more headlines than shes already been making in recent weeks. The famous, and very talented, diver is looking to go for the Gold and nothing is going to stop her. The Games officially kick off

abby johnston

It is officially time for the Olympics to begin, and that means that Abby Johnston is going to make even more headlines than she’s already been making in recent weeks. The famous, and very talented, diver is looking to go for the Gold and nothing is going to stop her. The Games officially kick off today, and it’s something that the world looks forward to every four years. It’s often the thing that many people find themselves glued to the television watching on a regular basis. It’s exciting, and everyone wants to get to know more about the young woman who will dominate – or at least is expected to dominate. If you didn’t know Abby Johnston before now, get ready to know her like she was your best friend growing up. She will be everywhere.

Before I go on, I just have to say that this is probably one of the most amazing women I’ve ever gotten to write about. She’s intelligent, hardworking, dedicated, athletic and she doesn’t seem to be someone who settles at all. Go ahead and prepare yourself to be impressed, and to be her next biggest fan. You’ll be watching the games now to see her bring home the gold; and we are pretty darn positive she will bring home the gold this year.

Her dad wanted her to become a golfer

Golf is making headlines for finding its way back to the Olympic games after more than a century this year, and Abby Johnston states that her dad tried really hard growing up to turn her into a golfer. Unfortunately, his dreams of having a famous golfing daughter were shattered when she really didn’t do well playing, can’t play and doesn’t even particularly enjoy playing all that much.

She’s already got a silver medal

Back in 2012 when she dove in London, Abby Johnston brought home a silver medal. She was proud of herself for the almost-win, but this year she’s not looking to finish second best. This year, she’s looking to finish first and she’s been working hard, training and taking care of herself and her training for the past four years to make sure it happens.

She’s a med student

Not only is Abby Johnston an amazing Olympic diver, she’s also a medical student at Duke Medical School. She’s looking to become a doctor, and that’s something that’s not easy to do in general, but especially not when you are training for the Olympics. We have to say she’s a pretty admirable woman.

She’s hardcore

Abby Johnston wakes up at 6 am every single morning and her day is hardcore. She spends five hours per day training in the pool, and she spends another 8 hours on her school work studying. She has no choice. She’s in her second year of medical school at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the country, and she’s got to the get the work done and make it happen for herself.

She’s engaged

Abby Johnston manages to find time in her life for everything that’s important to her, including finding love. She’s newly engaged and looking forward to the wedding planning process. We imagine she will take a bit of time off training so hard when the Olympics are over, but in the meantime she’s focused on that more so than she is focused on her wedding planning. She’s also in med school, people; we have no idea how she finds time to do anything in her life on top of that – let alone train like an Olympic athlete.

Her fiancé is famous

It turns out that Abby Johnston is not just engaged, but she’s engaged to the coach of the Duke Football team. His name is Sam McGrath, and they met because she dropped her student ID and lost it and he is the one who found it and contacted her. Please refer to her mother’s insistence that she keep her daughter’s Olympic medal below – it will make a lot more sense after hearing this little story.

She loves hot sauce

I mean, who doesn’t? I love hot sauce as much as the next person – I am a southerner – but I can’t say that I carry it around in my handbag the way that Abby Johnston does. Of course, you never know when you might need it and there is none available. I get it, and I’m not judging her at all. In fact, I’m running out to get a bottle of hot sauce for my handbag.

If she doesn’t make it as a doctor, she has a backup plan

If Abby Johnston finds out she’s not good enough to be a doctor – something we don’t think that will be much of a problem for her – she will then go ahead and become a hairstylist. It seems like she’s got a plan worked out for herself throughout the course of her life. We appreciate her dreams and that she’s got a backup plan for her plans. Few people even have one plan, and she’s got a couple.

Her mom has her Olympic medal

Even though she’s a grown adult with enough brains to become a doctor and to train as an Olympic athlete, her mother doesn’t trust her enough to allow her to keep her own silver medal from the 2012 London Games. In fact, her mother keeps it for her at her house because she’s terrified her daughter will lose it. There’s some trust right there.

She’s a psychologist

Let’s just go ahead and say that Abby Johnston is impressive. If the fact that she’s an Olympic medalist looking to head to the games again is not good enough for you, she’s a medical student. She’s a fiancé, and she’s already graduated one time from Duke with a degree in psychology. She’ snot someone who seems to want to play around with her future. She’s got big dreams, big goals and a big life in front of her.

 Photo by Getty Images

